Welcome to FrenchRev!
Let’s get down to the brass tacks. French and other world languages stick out like sore thumbs in the traditional line up of school subjects. That’s because language cannot be acquired through the drudgery of (mostly linguistic and grammatical) analysis. They resist being acquired by talking about themselves. They flourish in the wild.
As early as the 1960’s, Leonard Newmark was telling us that language was stoked on the fuel of comprehension.
For those who are into quotes, here’s one you can hang hat on: “To the extent that the learner is able to attach linguistic meanings to linguistic inputs, to that extent he [sic] is able to learn the language (Newmark, 1981, p. 37).”
He said it more politely, but basically, what Newmark meant was that the drudgery of linguistic analysis was bullshit.
FrenchRev’s two master teachers, Élisabeth Denizot and Sabrina Sebban Janczak, engineer the classroom experience using meaningful and compelling comprehensible input. Our students are the holders of a well-kept and important secret language learning hack: come to FrenchRev to amuse yourself (you will), and you will walk away with a greater proficiency and love for French.
If this speaks to the way you want to acquire a language, sign up!
And bienvenue à FrenchRev !
FrenchRev facilitates French acquisition with an empirically informed, playful approach. Designed as an engaging, learning-centered experience, our teaching style fosters spontaneous and real communication, instills curiosity and builds relationships.
Newmark, L. (1981). Participatory observation: How to succeed in language learning. In H. Winitz (Ed.), The Comprehension Approach to Foreign Language Instruction (pp. 34-48). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
FrenchRev Vision
FrenchRev engages all learners.If you’ve ever felt a lack of success in past language courses, come to FrenchRev, the French healing center! Learn in a relaxed environment where you can acquire at your own pace and be yourself. Come with us and chase away any nagging fear that language is an empty abstraction not meant to deepen our connections to each other. Learning with FrenchRev means discovering your way to thrive and appropriating a new lens to see the world.
Why Learn With Us?
FrenchRev professional educators have more than 50 combined years of experience.
Thousands of graduates
Our three educators have taught thousands of students over the years
Use of technology
FrenchRev leverages the most modern technologies in language teaching and learning.
Teaching approaches
FrenchRev embraces research-based language teaching and learning approaches.
World~class teachers! C’est un privilège d’être dans cette classe !
Linda (advanced and intermediate French)
The French teachers bring words to life through their vocal intonation, hand and facial gestures.
Julia (Intermediate French)
FrenchRev Difference
Easy Enrollment
With no paperwork nor bureaucratic processes, FrenchRev gets you enrolled (or you self-enroll) in no time.
Cultural Competency
FrenchRev educators do believe in importance of cultural competency and immersion. In fact, in normal times they lead trips to France for the lucky ones who joins these amazing immersion trips.
Affordable rates & Value
Language learning does not have to cost a lot to be valuable. With some basic college French courses setting you back several hundreds of dollars, FrenchRev offers you highly qualified educators at rates that are easy on your wallet.
Enroll Today!
Our classes are a few weeks away from starting. Make sure you take advantage of the best rate possible. The tuition will go up as we get close to the semester start